Beach Pathway Mount Manganui

Stopping pollution and sediment outflow to our waterways and oceans

Pollution and sediment outflow to our waterways and oceans is a serious threat to marine ecosystems, biodiversity, and human health. It is an urgent environmental imperative that requires comprehensive and coordinated efforts from individuals, communities, governments, and industries worldwide.

Outflow is charity that collaborates with these stakeholders to implement effective solutions for this significant environmental challenge.

Who are we?

We are a group who consider themselves privileged to have grown up in and on the water. No longer are we prepared to hope that the way humanity treats our water ways will get better. We need to act, help, and show that it is worth fighting for, whilst having fun doing so!

Ash morgan

Recreational Fisherman


Ocean Cycle Founder

Garth ellingham

Professional Sailor

Envionmental Engineer LUCKE founder

Wilfried Weber

Wave chaser

Management specialist

LUCKE founder

Paul Snow-hansen

3-time Olympian Sailing Creative Designer


Dave Allum

Marine Biologist

Ocean Cycle Founder

Our champion and advisor

Veronica Rotman is a marine scientist, current doctoral candidate and science communicator with a background in microplastics research. She sits on the Sustainable Seas National Science Challenge Stakeholder Panel and tutors and lectures at tertiary institutions in New Zealand. Veronica set up and delivered a tertiary education program in remote Kaitaia, teaching sustainable aquaculture and marine science to representatives of the Muriwhenua. Some of her prior research investigated whether one of our most commercially valuable fish species, hoki, is consuming plastic in the wild and what effects plastic ingestion has on the physiology of NZ's beloved snapper. Veronica's PhD project is titled, Ki uta ki tai (mountains to sea): plastics in Southern Aotearoa, and investigates sources of pollution, how it's distributed, and potential threats to culturally significant taonga species from the mountains of Wānaka to the ocean and offshore islands of southern Te Waipounamu. She passionately loves the great outdoors, freediving, ski touring, and exploring.

Abstract silt background. Wave after outflow. Color correction.

Lets get started

Outflow Trust | NZ Charity ID CC61716

Mail Envelope Illustration

Camera Instagram Vector Icon

How can you help?

Our first clean up program is underway with marine vessel to enable hard to access locaitons in the Tauranga area.

We are currently approaching individuals, corporate sponsors and suppliers that have an association with the ocean and waterways. The aim is to provide tangible impact, along with providing corporates with value add experiences and PR assets that can easily be promoted.

Also we are reaching out to the public sector, such as regional councils. The aim to partner with for funding, physical and informational assets to increase efficiency of the operation.

Onboard with us

Clothing that Cares